How to use AWS’s reachability analyzer


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How to use AWS’s reachability analyzer

Created by: Shengguo Wu From Slab: No Last edited by: Martijn Gonlag Last edited time: November 24, 2022 6:42 PM Status: WIP Team(s): SRE, Technical Support



In AWS environment, the traditional tool (like ping and traceroute ) can not work. If you want to check the connectivity or the route-path between the EC2 instance(which is in different vpc), the best way is to use reachability analyzer provided by AWS.

This article mainly demo how to use it


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Example1: check vpc-peering connectivity

there is two vpc configured with vpc peering, each vpc have a ec2 instance, need to know if vpc peering work properly

  • step1: create reachability analyzer


    then you can see it support many type (like ec2 instance, vpc enpoint, vpc peering connection),in this example,we choose instance


    choose the ec2 instance in each vpc


  • step2: check result


    from the result, we now know the connectivity is blocked in the above route-table, so we check the route table and then rerun the reachability analyzer as following, now it is ok


Example2: check vpc endpoint connectivity

we create a interface endpoint in our vpc,need to check if ec2 can connect to the endpoint ok?

  • step1: create reachability analyzer

    we create an reachability analyzer (source as ec2 instance,destination as vpc endpoint)


  • step2: according the above result,modify the security group

    add inboud rule source is unlimited as following


  • check result again


    now connect ok


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